viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

This is the time

On tuesday Honduras gave a big step, we classify to the World cup competition, this is something that will strongly unite us.We have to prepare ourselves for all the great things that will be happening in our Countr, because this is the beginnig of the rise of Honduras in all matters.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

God´s Will in My Life

I was speaking with a friend of mine and we were talking about God´s providence in our lives.  I was telling him how the change of school ,that I made three years ago, helped me understand many things and how it brought me to a closer relationship with the Lord. So he told me that everything that happens in our lives is not coincidence, but everything is under God´s will. Now that I take a moment to think about it, I realize that God has complete control over my life and over every little thing that happens around it. So now I can just thak God for His perfect will and providential care in my life

Philosophical reflexation

The following video is about a writer called Malcolm Gladwell, who said he understood the whole story of David and Goliath but time after, he discovered he knew nothing about it. We all know the story of that young shepherd who fought with the Giant Filistine warrior and was a proof of God's providence. But Gladwell asks, is that really that this story is about?

the link for the video is right below!

Honduras 1-0 CostaRica

Today is one of the many days that will remain in the history of our country, one more day in which the sport that unites our country, football, gave us a joy with which we can forget for a moment all the problems that our country faces by corruption. today as every game of our national team gave us the joy of celebrating together, and the chance to sleep happy, something that does not get very often in this country!