domingo, 30 de marzo de 2014

In France a group of scientists dicovered supposedly the cure for Cancer.
Our country is heading the right direction concerning politics, yesterday we finished with our social work and thank God we gave one of the best gifts we could give to a lot of persons; knowledge. and now all those persons have the opportunity of going forward in their lives. and let me tell you that the feeling of satisfaction is awesome.

sábado, 22 de marzo de 2014

Athiest "humor"
1873 - Slavery is abolished in Puerto Rico
1874 - Young Men's Hebrew Association organizes in NYC
1882 - Edmunds Act adopted by the US to suppress polygamy, 1300 men later imprisoned under the act
1888 - English Football League established
1894 - Stanley Cup: Mont AAA beat Ottawa Generals, 3-1 (1st Cup game ever)
1895 - Auguste & Louis Lumiere show their 1st movie to an invited audience
1896 - Charilaos Vasilakos wins 1st marathon (3:18)
1903 - NY Highlanders (Yankees) tickets 1st go on sale
1903 - Niagera Falls runs out of water because of a drought
1912 - Agnes Martin, Macklin Canada, Canadian-American abstract painter
1914 - World's 1st airline, St Petersburg Tampa Airboat Line, begins
1923 - The first radio broadcast of ice hockey is made by Foster Hewitt.
1927 - Federico Garcia Lorca's "El Maleficio" premieres in Madrid
1928 - Noel Coward's musical "This Year of Grace" premieres in London
1929 - 66 horses run in Irish Grand National Sweepstakes
1929 - KIT-AM in Yakima WA begins radio transmissions
1929 - USCG vessel sank Canadian schooner suspected of carrying liquor

these are few things that happenned a date like today, a 22nd of March.

viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

This video is about the Malaysia Airlines´ flight that got lost.

March 14

1938 England Hitler and Mussolini 14th March, 1938: Various reports were printed regarding support and anti-support of Hitler and his regime. Premier Mussolini of Italy extended to Hitler a hand of friendship while British Prime Minister Chamberlain the country of Germany and Hitler of further attack. Britain fought to try to keep Austria’s independence before that country was absorbed by Germany. 

And one year after..

1939 Czechoslovakia Dissolved 14th March, 1939: The independent republic of Czechoslovakia which was created in 1918 is dissolved, opening the way for Nazi occupation following the 1938 Munich Agreement. 

viernes, 7 de marzo de 2014

GC day

Today we had our GC day in wich eave t make the great ommission mandate, so e went to aschool that eally neds help. We sred with the kids my things, such as food and toys but mst importanty we shared the Gospel and we won some souls for Christ!