viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

This are just few things that happened in history on April 25th

1185 - Sea battle at Dan-no-ura: Minamoto Yoritomo beats Taira-family
1449 - Anti-pope Felix V resigns
1507 - Geographer Martin Waldseemuller 1st used name America
1541 - -26) Liege flooded after heavy down pour
1604 - Count Maurits' army lands at Cadzand
1607 - Battle at Gibraltar: Dutch fleet beats Spanish/Portuguese fleet
1614 - Amsterdam Bank of Loan forms
1626 - Battle at the Dessauer bridge: Monarch Albrecht von Wallenstein beats Earl of Mansfeld
1660 - English Convention Parliament meets & votes to restore Charles II
1678 - French troops conquer Ypres
1684 - Patent granted for thimble
1707 - Battle of Almansa; Franco-Spanish forces defeat British and Portuguese
1719 - Daniel Defoes publishes "Robinson Crusoe"
1747 - Prince Willem V appointed viceroy of Zealand
1792 - Guillotine first used in France, executes highwayman Nicolas J Pelletier

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