viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013

A little step

Today San Pedro Sula's mayor was finally chosen, even though it wasn't the person I wanted God knows why He permit him reach that position. I know that every thing is in God's hand and He will take care of every situation in our Country. Today will stay in our Country's history as a day in which we gave an important step, a step that will lead us to be better every day; a step that draws us near the change we need.

Trust Him

 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9

It doesn't matter how tough your situation seems, be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go and remember He is in control! So lift your sight and trust in Him!

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Thank you God for everything you've done in my life. I know you have control over everything and this day once again is going to pass to history as one more day that you gave me life and to my family as well!

I know that everything that would happen this friday is because you permit it and every issue is going to remain in our nations history as something that brought a change in our country!

Calm down!!

At two days before national elections in our country, tension and worry are increasing strongly. Now is when we must pray for God to save us during the Sunday and that the new president is the one that is within his control. take this opportunity to remind you .. remember that it is He who sets and remove kings, as Daniel 2:21 says, so know that everything is under your purpose!

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

November the 24th

November 24, is a day that will take place in honduran history because is a day in which the person elected by God will take place as the new president of Honduras. This will lead Honduras to a better future. So lets continue praying so Gods will may be done.


At nine days of the general elections in our country, there is an atmosphere of fear and insecurity toward the people. This is because people fear that there is a mess that may result in deaths. Unfortunately this is something that could take place in our country. Now our responsability as christians is to pray so Gods will may be done in our country, and that our next president may be someone that fears the Lord.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

His will in my life

I thank God because of everything He is doing in my life and in my family, even though I may not understand some of the many things He is doing, I know that in the end everything is in His purpose and His will is going to be accomplish in my life!

sábado, 2 de noviembre de 2013

Today was a day that passed through history for the fact that it was the day that the Lord made, in which He took control of everything that happened in it. Thank you Lord for this day!
October 31st shouldn't be taken as a special date or holiday. The world celebrates in this date a party they nicknamed "halloween" which from my point of view is RIDICULOUS! Instead of doing that we should be praising THE ONE who really deserves it, which is Jesus Christ for the immense sacrifice He made on the cross.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013

This is the time

On tuesday Honduras gave a big step, we classify to the World cup competition, this is something that will strongly unite us.We have to prepare ourselves for all the great things that will be happening in our Countr, because this is the beginnig of the rise of Honduras in all matters.

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013

God´s Will in My Life

I was speaking with a friend of mine and we were talking about God´s providence in our lives.  I was telling him how the change of school ,that I made three years ago, helped me understand many things and how it brought me to a closer relationship with the Lord. So he told me that everything that happens in our lives is not coincidence, but everything is under God´s will. Now that I take a moment to think about it, I realize that God has complete control over my life and over every little thing that happens around it. So now I can just thak God for His perfect will and providential care in my life

Philosophical reflexation

The following video is about a writer called Malcolm Gladwell, who said he understood the whole story of David and Goliath but time after, he discovered he knew nothing about it. We all know the story of that young shepherd who fought with the Giant Filistine warrior and was a proof of God's providence. But Gladwell asks, is that really that this story is about?

the link for the video is right below!

Honduras 1-0 CostaRica

Today is one of the many days that will remain in the history of our country, one more day in which the sport that unites our country, football, gave us a joy with which we can forget for a moment all the problems that our country faces by corruption. today as every game of our national team gave us the joy of celebrating together, and the chance to sleep happy, something that does not get very often in this country!

domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Declarations of Pope Fransisco

I agree in what he said about God's mercy "que la misericordia de Dios no tiene límites, si usted va a él con un corazón sincero y arrepentido."  I agree with this because I know He is a merciful God as Psalm 145:9 says.

Now I disagree in what he said about sin "El pecado, incluso para aquellos que no tienen fe, se origina cuando las personas desobedecen a su conciencia."  In my opinion sin originates when people follow their conscienses. We should follow the Lord and His word and thats all. Also it contradicts himself "El problema para aquellos que no creen en Dios es obedecer a su conciencia"  and then he said "El pecado, incluso para aquellos que no tienen fe, se origina cuando las personas desobedecen a su conciencia." In relation with this I could just find few verses like 1 Timothy 3:9 and 4:2

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

“Arrestan a una pareja que quería vender a su hija en Facebook en Brasil”—LP

“Arrestan a una pareja que quería vender a su hija en Facebook en Brasil”—LP

Is sad to see this type of news! I can’t imagine what is this girl going to feel when she grows up and discover what her parents wanted to do with her. Its amazing what people is willing to do for money now-a-days, and how is love disappearing in families. But all this that is happening is because in man’s heart there is no fear for the Lord neither his commandments. And here and now is where we Christans have to take action by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

"La Tierra será habitable al menos otros 1.750 millones de años"--LP

"La Tierra será habitable al menos otros 1.750 millones de años"--LP

Do you believe this?

Well I'm just going to briefly point out my opinion. I don’t believe this because we are no one to predict how much years will the earth last. The only one that has the power of saying when the earth is going to stop is the Alfa&Omega, which is God. He in His divine providence will decide when to stop this world. But until that day comes, an advice for you that are reading this: just submit to Him and let His will be done in your life.

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Good news

"Siria pone bajo control internacional sus armas quimicas"

Thank God everything is calming down between United States and Siria. Yesterday Bashar al Asad, Siria's president accepted to put all of their chemical weapons under international control. This are excellent news because by doing this they prevent war, and by preventing war they prevent killing inocent people. Eventhough lets continue praying so God may take control of everything.

Honduran being executed

"A 11 años de haber sido condenado a muerte, el hondureño Edgardo Rafael Cubas (34) recibio la noticia que tanto lo hacia pensar en su celda desde 2004: la fecha de su ejecucion por inyeccion letal. El departamento de justicia criminal de Texas informo que el hispano sera ejecutado el 16 de enero,  bajo los cargos de secuestro,violacion y asesinato de Esmeralda Alvarado de 15 años."

Its really disappointing to see a honduran brother in this situation and even more when you notice why is he being executed. This is an opportunity to seethat in the heart of men there is no fear of God and His commandments are not. Unfortunately this is to be executed.

In my opinion as christians we should be praying so he may accept Jesus Christ and he may repent from his sins before he is executed.

This is my opinoin.

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2013

The only way

Today in Tegucigalpa a policeman was killed by two guys in a motorcycle. When I saw the video I felt powerless and I started wondering: Did he had children? Did he had the opportunity of saying good bye to his family? But most importantly, Did he had the opportunity of accepting Jesus Christ? I hope he had the opportunity...! Its sad to see how is this country going, its sad to see how sick  this country is. You may be wondering, Who can heal this country? Who can take this country back to the correct way? Let me tell you something, the only one who can make those changes in this country is Jesus Christ He is the only one, He is the way, the truth and the life. The Bible in 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." What we have to do is so simple, we have to pray and seek his face and turn from our wicked ways, then He will heal our land. After doing these things we will start seeing  the changes in our land!

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2013

USA vs Siria

Unfortunately these two countries want  a war. What should we, Christians do? In my opinion we should pray so God may give wisdom to the authorities of each country and they can prevent killing innocent people!