viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2013

Honduran being executed

"A 11 años de haber sido condenado a muerte, el hondureño Edgardo Rafael Cubas (34) recibio la noticia que tanto lo hacia pensar en su celda desde 2004: la fecha de su ejecucion por inyeccion letal. El departamento de justicia criminal de Texas informo que el hispano sera ejecutado el 16 de enero,  bajo los cargos de secuestro,violacion y asesinato de Esmeralda Alvarado de 15 años."

Its really disappointing to see a honduran brother in this situation and even more when you notice why is he being executed. This is an opportunity to seethat in the heart of men there is no fear of God and His commandments are not. Unfortunately this is to be executed.

In my opinion as christians we should be praying so he may accept Jesus Christ and he may repent from his sins before he is executed.

This is my opinoin.

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