domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2013

Declarations of Pope Fransisco

I agree in what he said about God's mercy "que la misericordia de Dios no tiene límites, si usted va a él con un corazón sincero y arrepentido."  I agree with this because I know He is a merciful God as Psalm 145:9 says.

Now I disagree in what he said about sin "El pecado, incluso para aquellos que no tienen fe, se origina cuando las personas desobedecen a su conciencia."  In my opinion sin originates when people follow their conscienses. We should follow the Lord and His word and thats all. Also it contradicts himself "El problema para aquellos que no creen en Dios es obedecer a su conciencia"  and then he said "El pecado, incluso para aquellos que no tienen fe, se origina cuando las personas desobedecen a su conciencia." In relation with this I could just find few verses like 1 Timothy 3:9 and 4:2

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